Saturday, March 12, 2011

The book is written from Holden's point of view. It's written the way he speaks. As a reader, how do you feel about that?


  1. I think it is better when the book is in 1st point of view. You know what the main character is thinking.

  2. Emily, I read your comment. I am wondering more how you feel about the way Holden speaks - the way he expresses himself. If he were talking directly to you, could you relate to what he was saying?

  3. Not really unless you count my socks getting smelly at the end of the day

  4. I think that its much better than a formal reading because it gives you an exact picture of how he feels and how he would express it to you if he was speaking to you in person

  5. "Yozel," that's how i feel, too! I feel like I could describe him better as a person because I'm hearing his story in his words. We all use slang, repeat ourselves, exaggerate - I guess it makes Holden more real to me.

  6. I feel like it should be 3rd point of view because the book is more intresting to me when its like that i dont like the main charachter being also the narrator thats just in my opnion

  7. yes I smell my socks and shoes. I just like being different. It makes me uniquie.

  8. i do, like when the author writes a book, in the first person perspective, because you take in the story, through the main characters eyes. which i think is related the closest to everyday life, thats just personal preference.

  9. i think the fact that its in holdens point of view becasue it helsp the reader to really see how he is feeling, you get it word for word exactly

  10. ^ You'll get em next time

  11. i agree with all of you besides patrick cotnoir

  12. I like the way its written and that you get a an inside look at his thoughts.

  13. I enjoy that this book is written in Holden's point of view. It allows you, as a reader, to understand his thoughts and feelings at a deeper level. And plus, I feel that you can relate to him more and create your own emotions towards actions of his.

  14. I think its better this way because its easier to understand to me and the language he uses is what most kids our age use today anyways.

  15. I think since it is in holdens point of view, he can tell the truth about a person or tells the other characters in his point of view. Which may not be the truth.

  16. and walter and owais i completely disagree with what you have to say.

  17. I like the fact that it is told in 1st person. You can see inside his head and his story seems more real, in a way.

  18. I feel that is a good way of wrighting a book b/c it shows the view as the charecter and its not like talking about this person then on to the next

  19. i like that the book is written in 1st person. it gave Holden a chance to express his feelings about events in his life

  20. I like first person because you can really connect with the main character and see the world as they see it.

  21. I like the fact that the book is written in first person. Holden is actually speaking to the reader about the issues he has faced in his past and what he's facing right now. The reader can understand him more when he tells the story of his life.

  22. I feel it gives you the ability to be analyitical and explains what Holden thoughts in respect to Holdens Environment.

  23. i like the first person becuase you can feel what holden is feeling

  24. i like first person because you can understand how the character feels and what his thoughts are

  25. i think that it helps the reader get a better feel on what his personality is like. its easier to understand than if it were written 3rd

  26. i think that the book being written in firts person is good because you are able to connect to Holden much more and know what he is thinking instead of just what he is doing.
