Monday, March 28, 2011

How did you feel/what did you think when Holden begins to cry in chapter 14? Was it unusual, or did it fit with your view of him so far?


  1. I think that the reason that Holden lies is to impress people and seem like he is something more than he really is. I don't think that i could be friends with someone that was lying all of the time, but the more you get to know a person the more honest they become with you. I think that if Holden became close enough with someone then he really could open up to them.

  2. It was sort of unusual but he shouldn't bottel all of his emotions up.

  3. no it didn't really fit my view of him because he trys to act like the macho type of guy.

  4. after reading that chapter i think holden is a wuss, like he should have fought back for what he believed was right.

  5. I didnot expect him to cry that proved to me how unmature he is and does not know how to deal with the problems.

  6. yah it surprised me a little but everyone has that moment in life when they just break down and cry even the big macho men

  7. i didnt expect him to start crying because he has put on this sort of "tough guy" act and he acts like he doesnt really care about things and blows them over.

  8. haha yea, its true though he acts like hes tough but cant prove it, even if he were to lose the fight he should have atleast fought back instead of cry over it, you know what i mean

  9. it was alittle unusual to hear that Holden started to cry just so he get the guy in the elavator and sunny to get out of his room

  10. When holden begins to cry it shows how he is mixed up and always is suffering from his depression at this point it is to great to deal with and he has to let it out in some way and this is the way he releases his stress and problems

  11. I think crying is completely in line with holdens character. Holden has a very large false brevado that he always uses to try to appear more mature than he is, but with all the things that have happened to him, its almost as if his mental maturity has been stunted, even if he continued to mature physically. Crying is also the only way Holden can let out his pent up frustrations, anxst, and depression that has been manifesting in his compulsive lying.

  12. I believe that his reaction was normal for him. He is always in his head perhaps making himself seem tougher than he really is, but in every real life situation he isn't like that. He has a lot of emotions contained for a long period of time, so bursting out crying logically makes sense.

  13. Holden is a bit more sensitive than most guys. Just because he was upset does not make him a wuss! He bottles a lot of his emotions so it is good that he is at least expressing himself in some way.

  14. I was expecting him to cry at some point in the book because I feel like his feelings were building up inside of him so this was the perfect opportunity for him to do it. I felt very bad for him too because no one is there to help Holden and make him feel better. He had to pull himself together and in doing that he is building his emotions up evenmore and not letting them out. I think It did fit the veiw I had of him because I think he wants to appear tough but really he is a big softie on the inside and that side of him just happened to show itself then.

  15. it fit my view of him because he keeps all of his emotions bottled up and eventualy he has to let them out.

  16. It was kind of unusual for the person he tries to be, he is always trying to prove he is better then everyone else. But i think that it is right to his real character, he is scared, upset, he is torn right now he is still trying to get over his little brothers death, and he is just lost in his own world so i think that right then when mourice hit him everything else hit him as well.

  17. Most people would be crying if they were held up by a big swetty guy they don't even know and just the fact the only reason he was there was to collect money holden was "supposed" to pay. What makes him cry is the fact he just wanted to talk to someone and in the end he gets roughed up.

  18. I really didnt expect Holden to start crying, i felt that he would of fought back with maurice instead of just sitting there. I thought it was unusual because i see him as being kind of a fighter.

  19. I was surprised when Holden cried because he acts like he doesn't care about somethings and usually doesn't show his emotions. He keeps them inside.

  20. i thought that his true emotions are being let go
