Monday, March 28, 2011

Holden seems to tell a new lie in every chapter. Could you be friends with someone like him? Why or why not?


  1. no I would not be friend with him because i want a friend who tell the truth. you need afreind to tell the truth some times

  2. It would be hard to be friend s with a person such as Holden because you would never really know if he was tell the truth and if he was you may not know. Also it would be hard to really get to know him due to the lies he tells

  3. yes and no. yes, because i can see why he would do it, as a sort of protection for himself, so his name and story doesnt get around, but no, because if you truely are someones friend, you should always have the courage and decency to be true to them.

  4. i think lying is wrong in any citcumstance. i was brought up to belive honesty is the best poilicy. so if you cant tell the truth then i probably wont want to be your friend

  5. not really because I never really like when my friends lie to me because they aren't telling me the whole truth.

  6. I was also taught not to lie as well so I could never lie at all.

  7. i would but it would be very hard to see if he lieing or not when your just in a normal conversation.But if your not good friends with that person then just leave him or her behide.

  8. yes but no, i think holden lies alot, anddoes other things. he just doesnt seem like a good friend.

  9. Holden is constantly lying. I dont think i would be able to keep a friendship with him because at some point i would start to wonder if anything he has ever told me was true or just another lie.

  10. No i could not be friends with him because he is just like the little boy that cried wolf lieing to people about something. I personally feel that if you hang out with someone like that then people are going to see you as a liar

  11. if i were to be anything with him i would have to say that he would just be an aquatiacne because he dont look like he could be trusted and all that

  12. Holden lies because he is embarrassed by his innability to perform well and with each consecutive school he flunks out of, he becomes more self concious. I think that if Holden had a friend he could converse with and fraternize with then it would allow him to feel compassion and no longer feel helpless and pitiful, which as he states is a large part of his feeling depressed all the time.

  13. I could not be friends with Holden because a key part of friendship is honesty and if a friend can't be honest with me, then I don't want to be their friend. Even if the news was bad, I would rather my friend tell the truth and risk me getting mad about it instead of lying about it, because that's what really makes me mad.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I wouldn't be friends with Holden because friends are supposed to tell the truth no matter how hard it is. I don't like people not telling me the truth because it lowers the trust between you and them.

  16. i would deff not be friend's with holden, sure i like how he veiws the world and everything, i just can not deal with lier's. They pretty much drive me insane.

  17. no i could not be friends with someone like holden because i like to be friends with someone who is honest and trustworthy

  18. I think i could be friends with him it would just be hard. With knowing that he tells so many lies it would obviously be hard to know whether he is lying to you or not. When he is actually telling you something important or he needs help, you could assume he is probably just lying again and do nothing about. Then in teh end when whatever he says happens, you feel like you've done something wrong.

  19. I would not like to be friends with Holden because i would never know when to trust him and he would result in trouble.

  20. i wouldnt be friends with someone like him because he lies alot and the lies that he does tell,are things that people really do go through.

  21. No i couldnt be. You would never know who he really is and he would just lie all the time.

  22. i do not think i would be able to be friends with holden because i hate being lied to because it pisses me of and puts me in a bad mood.

  23. That depends. If he is telling me constantly that he has a tumor or something, no I don't think I would be friends with him. He tends to slightly exaggerate, but he is a good enough liar to pull it off. If I don't know he is lying or they are harmless lies, I could be friends with him. Perhaps if he could be himself, he wouldn't need to lie.

  24. I think it would be hard to be friends with a person that lies so often. Not only does he lie a lot but when he does lie he enjoys it. Although I think it would be hard I think if he had a friend to talk to about real things that he wouldnt lie as much. So, I would become friends with him, and once he had a chance to realize he doesnt need to lie I think he would be a great friend.

  25. no, i could not be friends with him because he cannot be trusted.

  26. Deffinetly not, i could never trust someone that was a compulsive lier, i would just never know what to really belive from them...

  27. i couldnt be friends with someone who constently lied for no reason but for him he's got to because nothing is straight in his life

  28. I dont think I could be friends with someone who lies every chance they get. it would eventually get old and then you would just end up getting mad at that peron in the end

  29. I would never be friends with someone who lied to me, Holden lies, he has no real friends or support. If Holden found that i was a good friend, and wouldnt judge him i would totally be his friend, he would have to make sure he kept his lies out of our friendship.

  30. I could care less if my friends are compulsive liars and really i would be able to have a friendship with holden because I would build it around his lies so it wouldnt effect me.

  31. No i could never deal with someone who lies all the time because when do you know when he is being truthful or not.

  32. I wouldn't be friends with someone who lies often. it would be difficult to work with them because you never know when they are telling the truth.

  33. I think that i could not be freinds with a person that lies all the time because i would not be able to tell when he is telling the truth.

  34. it depends on what they lie about if its just little lies i wouldnt care if its big like hes "dying" then no i wouldnt put up with that

  35. I wouldn't really want to be friends with Holden if he's going to keep up with the lies because it would be difficult to be around with him. I don't like people who lie about themselves because they are a waste of my time to be around with them and it would be hard to know whether that person is telling the truth or not.
