Monday, March 21, 2011

Holden spends a great deal of time calling others phony - do you think he himself is ever phony? Explain.


  1. I believe that sometimes Holden can be phony because sometimes when he is talking to people he just starts lying, one lie after another. I think that this can make Holden phony at times because he can lie so far from the truth

  2. Yes he is because he has this rightous attitude that he is so much better than anyone else.

  3. Holden puts up such a brave front... he seems to be so defensive. Seems like he doesn't have anyone to bounce his thoughts off of, and so doesn't have a sense of what's realistic/what's not...

  4. i don't think he's necessarily a phony but insacure about him self so he judges other people to make him self feel better

  5. Yes, I think Holden can be a very phone individual. He always contradicts everything he says or thinks with often the opposite. Not only does he contradict his own stated beliefes but I dont think he has any concrete beliefs in the first place to be able to have a moral standpoint from.

  6. I think that Holden can sometimes be bipolar about certain situations which not neccessarily makes him phony but makes everything worse. He has the tendancy to lie and completely make up an entire new story during conversations. And his opinions are always changing from positive to negative. For instance when he is happy for Stradlater to go on a date with Jane, they come home and his opinions pushed him to fight Stradlater.

  7. Holden is phony by lying about certain things to other people.

  8. I feel like Holden can be a phony sometimes because he himself lies to other people and that's not being real. For instance, with Mrs. Morrow, she asked him why he was going home and he lied and said that he had a small tumor on his brain and had to get it removed. There was no need for it and he was being a phony to her

  9. I believe holden himself is a phony because all he does is lie to other peoeple. He did not have to tell the three girls he wanted to dance with a fake name, and same with Mrs. Morrow.

  10. I look at him as a phony because he is always lying to people about himself to make him look better.

  11. i dont think he's phony he just lies to people about things and i dont think he really means to but he just has nothing really real in his life to talk about because he's got so many mixed emotions about everything

  12. I think he can be phony because there is so much inner diologue, so he says things about people in his head rather than to their face.

  13. I think he doesn't really know who he is but is very critical of others. I belive he tries to be genuine but he lies so people don't see who he really is.

  14. i think that holden is phony himself because he always talks about how he says he wants to do certain things and talk to certain people but he never actually follows through

  15. I feel that Holden does think of himself as phoney because, he has no confidence, no morals, and he just needs to be loved, and his parents keep sending him away to boarding schools, he cant even tell his parents he had gotten kicked out of pency! If you ask me, that is straight up phoney. I also go by "if you point a finger at someone remember that there is always three pointing back at you" so when Holden calls, people fake or phoney he is also calling himself that.

  16. I think Holden is phony himself because he has nothing better to do in his lifetime. He lies to other people to make himself interesting. He also has no idea who he really is.

  17. I think that Holden is a phony person because he has never had true gidence from parents. With out those figures you can lose alot of confidence.

  18. Holden is the most critical character in the whole story even if he's the protagonist and seem like he's the one being "attacked" the amount of vulgar vocaublary makes him try to seem like a rebel. Just like everyone else he says is a "phony" i'm pretty sure he's just another tool in the box.

  19. I feel that Holden can be a phony sometimes because he lies more than he tells the truth. But i feel that he lies a lot because he wants to be cool and fit in.

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  21. I think he is a phony because he fakes crying in his room just to get Maurice and Sunny.

  22. I think he is a phony because he fakes crying in his room just to get Maurice and Sunny out of his room.
